Practices that provide counseling at multiple locations now have something to cheer about! The TherapyZen team just implemented multiple office location support for appointment scheduling and client portal appointment requests. This was a top requests by many of our faithful users and we are very pleased with the way we were able to implement it.
Add Your Locations
Setting up multiple locations only takes a few seconds and can vastly improve your appointment scheduling if you operate out of multiple offices.
Scheduling Calendar with Availability Slots
Once your locations are entered into TherapyZen, setting up your appointment availability can now include electing which location you’ll be working from. This will help your scheduling personnel tremendously if they are trying to find an appointment that better suits the client’s commute.
Locations in Your Appointment Details
Use the location selector when creating a new appointment to change to a different location if needed.
Client Portal Availability Request Slots Now Provide Location Information
Clients logged into the portal can now pick and choose from your available times based on locations that work better for them. Upon making a selection, your client is presented with a map to the office they chose.